Thursday, February 22, 2007

Is church in America just a business?

Just starting. Didn't want to, but had to begin a blog to reply to my friend Skip's.

In response to him, I wrote that denominations seem to me like corporate businesses and individual churches like franchises -- with each marketing Jesus (for tithe checks) in whatever way reaches their target market best.

A bit cynical, I know. But I'm starting to wonder how much of what we call a "worship service" on Sunday is really just idolatry -- people exalting their favorite Christian hero/team. Most Christians I know leave church talking way way more about the pastor, message, or church itself than about Jesus Christ or God.

I'm not saying there are no true believers at church. I'm just wondering if what we've been raised to believe is ministry ... just isn't.

Real ministry according to Jesus seems to be either prayer or humanitarian efforts like feeding the poor, visiting the lonely/sick/imprisoned, etc. (see Matt. 25). I've yet to see a church where meeting those needs dominate the budget.

Any thoughts?


Skip said...

Very interesting question. One I'm trying to figure out...

Anonymous said...

Real ministry according to Jesus seems to be either prayer or humanitarian efforts like feeding the poor, visiting the lonely/sick/imprisoned, etc. (see Matt. 25). I've yet to see a church where meeting those needs dominate the budget.

be careful some might call you a knee-jerk liberal.

St. Upid said...

Just wait until they add a drive-thru where you may tithe and receive a blessing from one of their friendly tellers.